Owning our power with the Full Moon in Virgo!



The Full Moon shines in Virgo tonight! This is an opportunity for us to clear out any old belief systems about ourselves. Virgo is the sign that is known to rule our health. This is why our dear Virgo friends can be quite self-critical towards themselves as they are always seeking perfection. Tonight's full moon is linked to karmic cleansing. Cleansing and releasing anything from this life and past life (if you believe in past lives) that is blocking us from stepping into our power- our inner light. We are experiencing and witnessing such a chaotic time in the world right now, a battle between light and darkness. We've seen enough movies and read enough books to know that the good always wins at the end! For us to gain victory is by asking ourselves: How are we grounding our light? What thoughts or belief systems do I have about myself that are blocking me from moving forward or attracting what I want? That is blocking me from really living out my soul's purpose? What thoughts are blocking me from really loving, honoring, and respecting myself? When we reflect upon those questions and ask the full moon to release those self-limiting thought patterns, we can clear and cleanse out old karmic patterns. I know you guys are tired from all of this spiritual and internal work but when we learn to value who we are then that's when we can ground our light onto this earth and overcome the challenges we are experiencing. Something I've been doing a few days before this full moon is catching my thoughts every time I want to dwell in victim-like stories and conclusions, I try to change the conversation that is going on in my mind and ask the universe to release those thoughts from my energetic body. (If Hollywood could only record the movies that we create in our minds... We'd all probably win an Oscar.. or two... ) doing this allows us to step back and surrender. When we're constantly critiquing and judging ourselves, scenarios, experiences we're not allowing ourselves to see the bigger picture. So tonight on this full moon focus your energy on your solar plexus( the chakra that is linked to our emotions), visualize yourself being in your power, in your strength. Visualize how you can use your internal power and qualities to great and positive change in your life and the world. Then imagine a shining yellow light expanding bigger and bigger from your core till it surrounds your entire aura. This is the full moon in Virgo, It's time to take back the power we have given to all self- limiting thoughts.own it, feel it and embrace it. Take as much care as yourself and remember to listen to your body. I know this sounds easier than it is but just be kind to yourself, cherish the moments of joy and take those happy moments and use them as strength when you are experiencing a tough time. I love you all and wish you benefit the most out of tonight's energy. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions aiyah@aiyah.co


(Founder of Aiyah Crystals)